Known as "Southeast Asia's best stand-up comedy show," Secret Comedy Night brings top-tier laughs to a hidden location in Ubud, Bali. This expertly curated event features a stellar mix of comedians—many of whom have been seen on Netflix, Showtime, and Comedy Central.
At its core, Secret Comedy Night is about connection. The comedians use humor to create an intimate, interactive vibe, with the host and performers often engaging the audience in fun and lighthearted crowd work. Whether you’re a Bali local or just visiting, this show promises an unforgettable night of comedy, connection, and shared laughter.
How it works:
-Purchase your ticket online: Once booked, you’ll receive a confirmation email with details about the secret location.
-Reminder email: On the day of the event, ticket holders will receive a final email with venue updates.
-Show your ticket at the door: Present your e-ticket upon arrival and enjoy the show!
Event Details:
-Doors open for dinner & drinks: 6:30 PM
-Show starts: 7:45 PM
The venue address will be shared privately after ticket purchase. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy top-notch comedy in a unique and exclusive setting. See you there!