Touch The Infinite


From September 7th until September 13th


IDR 17,800,000

Event at The Practice everyday in 2024: Touch The Infinite

Excited to return to Munich later this year and share the next phase of teachings with @patrick_broome_yoga and his incredibly inspiring group of Yogis! For those who attended last year and found the Moon Sun Fire system of traditional Hatha Yoga beneficial, get ready for the next level. We'll be delving into the Yoga Sutra, Patanjali's timeless masterpiece considered the ultimate authority on Yoga. During this training, we'll uncover the hidden gems within the Yoga Sutra, exploring the specific practices hinted at within its cryptic verses. These profound teachings will undoubtedly deepen your understanding of Yoga and elevate your practice to new heights. Meditation is the gateway to accessing the luminous, joy-filled higher mind, and Patanjali provides precise guidance on how to achieve this. Join us and unlock the true potential of the Yoga Sutra and your own radiant mind. Topics covered include: - Advanced Meditation practices like Raja Yoga and Ishvara Pranidhana - Yoga Nidra for enhanced cognition, healing, and higher awareness - Elevating Asana practice to align with Yoga's deeper principles - Embracing Tapas to purify the mind and transcend karmic limitations - Mantra Japa as a form of self-study and connection with the Divine - Advanced Pranayama techniques to prepare for deeper Meditation - Madhu Vidya: 'The Science of Honey', accessing the boundless joy and freedom of the higher mind - Practical strategies to move beyond the intellect and reconnect with your infinite self, the Purusha If you've been pondering what lies beyond Asana, this is your chance to explore. This training serves as module 1 of our 300hr advanced YTT and contributes towards certification.

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