Shuffle & Strides Lapathon 2024


From September 21st until September 22nd


Free Entry

Event at Finns Recreation Club everyday in 2024: Shuffle & Strides Lapathon 2024

Join us for a 24-hour community event dedicated to raising funds for mental health services in Bali. The Shuffle & Strides Lapathon 2024 will be held at Berawa Field, Canggu, and promises to be an inspiring and energetic challenge supporting a crucial cause. Organized by Shuffle & Strides, an internationally registered foundation (Indonesia + Australia), this event aims to combat the stigma surrounding mental health through positive actions and conversations. The foundation provides Mental Health Awareness Training and offers subsidized counseling for those in need. The Lapathon begins at 10:00 AM on September 21 and continues until September 22. Participants are encouraged to walk, jog, dance, or run around the designated track (Lapangan Kepala Desa, Tibubeneng) for as long as they choose within the 24-hour period, provided they meet the minimum fundraising requirements. This full-day and night event will feature various activities, including live music from great bands, a comedy show, motivational talks on mental health, a bazaar, and food and drink stalls. It’s a family-friendly affair with a bouncy castle, slip-n-slide, and pie-eating contests. Adults can enjoy massages, ice baths, and a beer garden. The Lapathon aims to enhance mental health awareness and education for Indonesian residents. Participants can set their own distance or time goals, join as teams or individuals for team-building, or support the event as donors while enjoying the day’s festivities.

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