Dubbed as "Southeast Asia's best stand-up comedy show," this carefully curated and side-splitting event takes place at a secret venue in Sanur, Bali. Featuring a stellar lineup of comedians seen on platforms like Netflix, Showtime, and Comedy Central, it’s Bali's only stand-up comedy show with handpicked performers.
Why keep it secret? Previous shows have sold out, leaving many disappointed at the door. To avoid this, the location is now kept under wraps, and online ticket sales close once capacity is reached. The address will be shared privately after your ticket purchase.
-10 September :
-17 September :
Here's how it works:
1. Purchase your ticket online.
2. After purchasing, you’ll receive a confirmation email with details of the secret location.
3. On the day of the show, you'll get an email reminder with any venue updates.
4. Show your e-ticket at the door and get ready for a night of laughter!
Seating is limited, and tickets are available online only.
Doors open at 6:30 PM for dinner and drinks, with the show kicking off at 7:30 PM.
Delicious food and drinks are available for purchase at the venue.
Laughter is the best medicine don’t miss out! See you there!