Celebrated as "Southeast Asia's best stand-up comedy show," Secret Comedy Night promises a night full of laughter and top-tier entertainment at a hidden venue in Seminyak, Bali. Featuring a stellar lineup of comedians, including those seen on Netflix, Showtime, and Comedy Central, this carefully curated event is a must-attend.
At Secret Comedy Night, the focus is on building connections through laughter. The comedians create a warm, interactive atmosphere, with the host and performers often engaging in lighthearted crowd work. Whether you're a Bali local or a visitor, this show offers an unforgettable chance to experience world-class comedy, meet new people, and enjoy a night of fun.
How it works:
-Book your ticket online: After purchase, you'll receive a confirmation email with details about the secret location.
-Receive a day-of reminder: Ticket holders will get a follow-up email with updated venue specifics.
-Present your e-ticket at the door: Show your ticket upon arrival and get ready to laugh the night away.
Event Details:
-Doors open for dinner & drinks: 7:00 PM
-Show starts: 8:00 PM
The venue address will be shared privately after ticket purchase. Don’t miss this unique comedy experience in Seminyak!