Dubbed as "Southeast Asia's best stand-up comedy show," Secret Comedy Night delivers a night of top-tier laughs in a hidden location in Canggu, Bali. Featuring a lineup of talented comedians—many seen on platforms like Netflix, Showtime, and Comedy Central—this carefully curated event is all about connection. Through laughter and engaging crowd work, the comedians create an intimate, interactive atmosphere that’s as entertaining as it is unforgettable.
Whether you’re a Bali resident or a visitor, Secret Comedy Night is the perfect way to enjoy an evening of humor, meet new people, and immerse yourself in a truly unique experience.
How it works:
-Purchase your ticket online: Once you’ve bought your ticket, you’ll receive an email confirmation with the secret location details.
-Reminder email: On the day of the show, ticket holders will get an update with any venue specifics.
-Show your ticket at the door: Simply present your e-ticket upon arrival and get ready for the fun!
Event Details:
-Doors open for dinner & drinks: 7 PM
-Show starts: 8 PM
Join us for a night of unforgettable comedy, delicious food and drinks, and plenty of laughs. The exact address will be shared privately after you book your ticket. See you there!