BWork Book Club


Every Thursday


Free Entry

Event at B Work every Thursday 2024: BWork Book Club

Prepare to immerse yourself in enriching conversations, profound insights, and a dynamic community of fellow book aficionados. Our weekly meetups every Thursday offer an ideal platform to share your perspectives and plunge into the captivating depths of literature. With each gathering, we spotlight a meticulously chosen book, delving into its intricacies, characters, and underlying messages. But we take it further than mere reading - we uncover practical tips and strategies that the book imparts. Whether it's a guide to personal development or a blueprint for business success, there's always a wealth of wisdom to unearth! Leading the charge are our adept hosts, Steven Heymans & Sarah Maghfur. Time : 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM The event is FREE FOR THE PUBLIC, but remember, RSVP IS MANDATORY. Anticipate thought-provoking evenings brimming with literary exploration, intellectual discourse, and the camaraderie of fellow book enthusiasts.

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