Ayni Equinox Ceremony


September 21st


IDR 350,000

Event at Alchemy Yoga and Meditation Center on September 21 2024: Ayni Equinox Ceremony

The Equinox offers a powerful moment to come together in sacred ceremony and celebration, opening the gateway to a fresh, conscious new cycle. By gathering during this time of cosmic alignment, we can amplify our collective intentions for healing, abundance, joy, and freedom—not only for ourselves but for the entire planet and human family. Join us as we dive deeply into this transformative experience, embracing the Equinox portal with clarity and vitality. Through the Medicine of **Cacao**, we will elevate our vibrations, dance ecstatically in prayer for transformation, and embark on an inner journey with the Medicine of Breath and Sound. We will return to our essence—grounded, refreshed, restored, and resilient—ready to receive all we have envisioned and more. This profound ceremony will be guided by Jemmita from Anchoring the Light and Catalina & Mau from In Breath. Price: IDR 350,000.00.

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