Clay & Glaze In Conversation


September 6th


Free Entry

Event at Guten Morgen on September 6 2024: Clay & Glaze In Conversation

Join us for a special event, an offshoot of Ubud Open Studios, where a panel of experts will reveal the intricate process behind ceramic glazes and clays. Hosted at @gutenmorgencoffeelab in Ubud, Bali, this gathering features insights from Kevala, Sari Api, and Mahteh. The discussion will dive deep into the technical side of ceramic art, covering topics like the characteristics and preparation of various clays and the importance of temperature control. Panelists will also highlight innovative techniques in clay making and glazing, demonstrating how the perfect blend of materials and precise temperature can lead to stunning ceramic creations. While Ubud Open Studios will return in 2025, don’t miss this opportunity to gain unique insights into the world of ceramics in Bali. RSVP via DM to reserve your spot. The event takes place at 5 pm on September 6 at Guten Morgen Ubud.

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